The Millennial’s Guide to Changing the World

This book was an interesting read for me. I am, by birth a millennial but I have never really felt like I fit in that mold. I have very conservative in my thinking most of the time, but this book opened up my mind on how my generation thinks, feels, and could very possibly be saving the world (just a tad).

One of my favorite part of this book was about mid-way through when it talks about millennials and how they job hop. This caught my attention because I have had many jobs in my 28 years on this earth- all the way from feeding cattle every morning to slinging drinks at a bar and then walking out to my tech company vehicle when my shift ended. I have never felt above a job, and I recently counted the number of jobs I have had, and stopped after thirteen. This book outlined my thinking, totally differently than I had trained myself to think all these years. I always told myself it was to gain experience and never live a dual life, but come to find out I am not the only millennial that does this and the reason we do this is because we want to find our work rewarding. I read on and it drew me in like a fly to a bug light. We want to feel like we are giving back, like our work we are doing is making a difference somewhere and more importantly for someone. It goes onto say that the way companies and corporations work, they don’t fit “our feelings”   into our work week, so we (millennials) get fed up and leave- either to a new job or to nothing. The generation running the companies and corporations are finding it harder and harder to keep younger folks around to build their companies. This in turn has made larger corporations transition their daily schedules to take into consideration millennials needs. I have always thought my generation was just to “feely,” not because I am not about expressing my feelings but because I feel like there a time and place for them and they are not at work, but this book made it clear to me that my


Want to join the boss babe book club?! Here is what we are reading for 2019!


January- Skipped (no book)

February- The Millennial’s Guide to Changing the World

March- Dare To Lead

April- Girl Stop Apologizing

May- Brave Not Perfect

June- Deep Work

July- Start With Why  

August- The Motivation Myth

September- The Hard Thing About Hard Things

October- Zero To One

November- Choose Yourself

December- Permission Marketing